Wednesday 4 March 2015

Stay awake with me

It is so easy to find ourselves sleepwalking through life. We have all had the experience (I hope it is not just me!) of getting somewhere in the morning and suddenly realising that we have no recollection of getting up, breakfast, locking the door, actually seeing the beauty of the day, going through roundabouts - all done on auto-pilot.

I wonder how much of our lives we live without actually being fully aware of the beauty around us, the amazing people we take for granted, the fact that we live in God's creation, and that every moment is a marvel.

The title of this week's post is from the Easter narrative. Jesus had decided to come to Jerusalem, and then had taken the opportunity to stir up both the Jewish Temple authorities and the Roman occupiers. He knew what was coming - so on the night of the Passover he went out to pray.

His normal practice was to pray quietly and alone - but on this occasion he had a very human response: fear of what was inevitably going to happen. So he took a few of his friends with him. He asked them to keep watch with him. But they went to sleep. Several times!

Sleepwalking through life, not seeing the significance of each moment, going through life on auto-pilot, missing our opportunities: all of that is very human. In the end, knowing that, Jesus seems to have shrugged and let them sleep.

But that is not ideal.

If we are to be fully the people God created us to be, we need to be fully awake. Being awake and aware is a habit: but it cannot come when we give in to the rush of events around us, when we buy into the world as a frantic, busy place where we need to accumulate possessions, have the best, look the best, be recognised.

Lent is a time to slow down - to remind ourselves ...
  • that our "stuff" is not the secret to happiness (by giving some of it up), 
  • that we are part of a global inter-connected organism known to some as the "body of Christ" (by deliberately helping our brothers and sisters out on the edges of our community or world), and 
  • that we are, at heart, spiritual beings, created purposefully by our God (and we do this by staying awake, keeping watch and praying).

There is a beautiful Taize chant using a translation of Jesus' words: "Stay with me. Remain here with me. Watch and pray." Many parishes use it as part of the Good Friday liturgy. Listen to it through

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