Monday 30 March 2015

Easter prayer

Let us join together in prayer that this Easter be a time of light and new birth for each one of us, and for all God's creation.

We pray to see you in your creation
Creator God, we ask that you strengthen our awareness of you. We pray that each of us sees you often in the faces of the people we love, in sunlight on new leaves, laughter of babies, sudden flight of birds, in a perfect moment of movement, in the surprises of your creation, and in the smile of strangers.

We pray to feel you in our lives
Our loving Creator - you made and love each one of us, and everything you have created. Help us to be aware of you in each other, and in our community. Give us the grace to forgive, so that, freed from our own fear and guilt and resentments, we can see others as you see them and through their goodness, be more aware of you.

We pray to be more aware of your movement in our world
You are with us always. You are with us in our intuition and instincts - and in the instincts and intuition of others. You make us aware of your plan in the coincidences of our life and in the moments of joy we feel when we step onto your path. Help us not to take these signs for granted - but to see in them glimpses of your dream.
Your dream is too huge for us to see whole - but we pray that we see our part more clearly, and always act to enhance and enrich - never to diminish or cheapen.

We pray to walk your path with more certainty
We often pray that we do your will, but too often we are just not sure. Help us feel the "rightness" of our response so we become more confident and courageous and certain that our actions contribute to your plan.

We pray for your support and strength in unforeseen events
Our personal plans are very focused on our own desires. 
When we face changes we never predicted, devastation, sudden loss, unexpected fear, the downfall of our securities ... at these times give us the courage, will and strength to turn to you and go forward.
Give us too graces to see new depths in ourselves - and in ourselves, you.

And finally, we pray that each day we take a step, however small, towards our reality as spiritual beings with an umbilical cord rooted in you, our Light and our Creator

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