Wednesday, 20 January 2016

An invitation

Like many people I have had a busy and very enjoyable Christmas break - and I suspect that, as happens for many people, the change in my routine and the many new people in my daily life has made it difficult to maintain my inner life. I have mostly managed to keep up my regular reading (largely thanks to an imaginative son-in-law who gathered a collection of used books as a gift he entitled "Box-o-Merton") - but have often struggled to find undistracted time for prayer.

Hence the invitation.

To get myself back on track, I am writing a series of short daily reflections for Lent (which starts on 10 February). I see these as a sort of spiritual pilgrimage walking through the 45 days to Easter. I will use the daily readings for Lent as the basis of my contemplation - and will publish a milestone a day for the 45 day journey.

I will work hard to keep them short: I am hoping that anyone who wants to travel with me will be able to spend 10-15 minutes a day on the reflection and another 10-15 minutes on the resulting meditation or centering prayer.

If you would like to join me on my pilgrimage to Easter, I will begin on Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday - more on that in a later post) Tuesday 9 February on my Meditations blog.

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